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Anais Lopez

Anaís X. López

Anaís X. López is an analyst at Latino Decisions. She is a graduate of the University of California-Los Angeles, where she obtained a B.A. in Political Science and a minor in Chicanx Studies. Anaís collaborates with clients on research design, implementation, and data analysis for quantitative and qualitative projects. Anaís’ past work has focused on analyzing Latino partisanship in America and the development of political affiliation across varying Latino backgrounds. She completed her thesis at UCLA focused on Latino political affiliation since the 2016 election where she facilitated individual interviews and analyzed data. Most recently, she has been focusing on young Latino voters in battleground states and the effects messaging has on young voters as well as how to best communicate and message to Latina/os with unique subgroup targeting rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. López has also managed statewide polls and focus groups of Latino voters on various project in California and has conducted research on Cuban’s, South Americans, and Puerto Rican subgroups in Florida.