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Julien Hennefeld

Julien Hennefeld is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Brooklyn College. He was a math major at Harvard and has a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Columbia University. He also has taught at MIT, Boston College, and Stanford. His 30 minute YouTube video, called “Yiddish Hack,” is about Mother G, a computer psychotherapist, whom “IBN” has “raised from infancy” so that she’ll have the full range of human emotions. Unfortunately, just before a live therapy session being watched by an HMO executive, who is considering using Mother G as the therapist just for their lower tier subscribers, Mother G is hacked by a malicious teenager. As a result of the hack, at crucial moments in the session, Mother G assumes the persona of an angry Yenta, more interested in airing her own grievances than in helping the therapy patient. Here is the YouTube link: