Mitch Jones
Mitch Jones
Mitch Jones is the Director of the Common Resources Program at Food & Water Watch. He manages the organization’s campaigns on nutrient trading regimes, water markets and pricing, municipal water infrastructure funding, catch share fisheries management programs, and open ocean aquaculture. He was previously the Director of the Fish Program at Food & Water Watch. Mitch also worked as the Senior Legislative and Policy Analyst for Food & Water Watch’s Water Program. Prior to joining Food & Water Watch, he worked at the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, focusing on issues related to food safety and renewable fuel policy. He has appeared on CNBC, Al Jazeera English, and various radio stations across America. He holds a B.A. in history and philosophy from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a M.A.L.A. from St. John’s College, Santa Fe.