Stephen C. Frantz
Dr. Stephen Frantz
Dr. Stephen Frantz remains an active Research Pathobiologist increasingly concerned about pesticides, public health and the climate crisis. He considers glyphosate as the “poster child” of toxic pesticides and marvels at the incredible lack of social and environmental justice surrounding this one product. What might it be like if all toxic pesticides were equally investigated? Revision of pesticide regulations is critically needed to support people and the planet first, with a focus on regenerative organic farming methods. And, as he has underscored since writing his first LAP article in Oct. 2015, glyphosate must become a footnote in the annuals of horrible products. He managed to convince the Town of South Hadley Board of Health to ban glyphosate from all town owned/operated property. He frequently participates in the weekly BLM vigil at the South Hadley Town Commons. His current efforts include working with MA legislators, NOFA/Mass (Northeast Organic Farming Association), Climate Action Now/Western Mass, the South Hadley Democratic Town Committee, and others, but with continued links back to CA. Stephen lives in South Hadley, MA.