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Caught in a Madhouse without My Mask
Paul Haeder: The bottom line is money for nothing. With Corona Capitalism, it’s money for the bail-out queens and kings – corporations. Wall Street is bullish. Studdly, in fact.
Hiking Along the Wrack Line
Paul Haeder: These wrack lines, unfortunately, are now clogged with that deadline by-product of “better living with chemistry,” plastics.
A Flag, A Violent MAGA Family, A Brick Through the Window!
I know many people living in many countries, including many in Europe, and they are sort of looking at this country from a telephoto lens, and really have not idea how bad, how messed up, how fearful, how spineless Americans are.
Your Right to Your Opinion Ends with My Right to Might
Paul Haeder: Free speech may have a lot of grounding in what are community standards of what is acceptable speech and what the culture may or may not tolerate.
Coastal Man Searches for Universal Human Rights
Paul Haeder: Living modestly in the forestland of Lincoln County, David Peltier believes in breaking the cycle of poverty and ending isolation.
Deep Country, Bats, the Riot of Life in Viet Nam’s Cities
Paul Haeder: Even though the year before most of my time was deep into ecology and animal and plant life, I still had strong connections to the American War against the Vietnamese.
One Woman’s Research on Aquatic Bioinvasions, Seaweed, Wave Energy
Paul Haeder: The ocean, once considered immune to humanity’s despoilments, is as far as its chemical composition and ecological processes fragile with just the right forcers.
When Americans Act Like Millionaires
Paul Haeder: They wanted to leave during Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and now many want to leave cuz of Trump the Dunce, but in the end Yankee Doodle Dandies and Stars and Bars Boys/Girls never leave their DNA behind when they attempt to game another country's system.
One “Little” Legislative Crime that Keeps on Giving
Paul Haeder: I have talked about (written in a hundred articles and blogs) this single moment in a political prostitute’s career that defines not only the inhumanity of that person, but also his/her backers, his or her “people,” and those who continue to pad pockets with bribery money.
Household Income, or Higher Planes of Consciousness?
Paul Haeder: Capitalists never talk about collectivism, communitarianism, cooperatives, intentional communities, and the citizens' right to free health, safety, transportation, free of the crime of military spending!
Love in the Time of Xenocide
Paul Haeder: I was the thorn in the side, the lightning rod, the agitator, the one person who took the discourse away from slanted academic or literary bunk and platitudes, toward a more militant rhetoric, one where revolutionary thinking had to set the stage.
Water, Water, Water: War Against Humanity
Paul Haeder: Imagine the conservative society of civil engineers giving the USA a D- for infrastructure. Imagine the failing education system. Imagine the mass murdering media following all the dog nose in rear end stories.
Professor Pablo and Fourth Grade Enlightenment in Lincoln City
Paul Haeder: The fourth graders I taught Friday have a sponge for a brain, and they want something better than what they get.
Musings on a Monday After Teaching High School — Get You Down? Nope!
Paul Haeder: Teaching students in public schools is like pulling the blinders and the blindfolds off of captives who have been shuttered away in some dark and cold cave in Pakistan.
Threading the Eye of the Needle: A Few Greenies Ain’t Gonna Cut Climate Change
Paul Haeder: Now California transplants are on the beach trying, in herculean, effort to stop the infinite plastics tide from fouling everything they came to the Oregon Coast for in the first place.
Flotsam Central Oregon
Paul Haeder: Gentile and Jew, Bill and Dorothy live in balance, as the artist Bill is tied to his mistress: the land he has sculpted nail by nail, stone by stone, shadow by shadow.
The Circle Over the Triangle – A Collectivism and Cyclic Belief Change Comes Around
Paul Haeder: Americans are in their own tight spot now: keeping on the lights, fridge half full, Super Bowl projected on plasma TV, the latest model of Jeep in the driveway, work that eats at the soul and the body.
Insanity of Social Work as Human Control
Paul Haeder: This dog-eat-dog mentality has created young people with no hope and no chance of worthy work and a sense of being with the world, with one self, with a community.
Alcohol, Atheism, Anarchy – The Triple A Threat to the Pro-Capitalist Salvation Army
Paul Haeder: What I am now embroiled in are residents and former clients texting me hourly, emailing me, calling me by phone with every sort of anxiety and PTSD triggered realities of their lives.
Long Live the Armed Struggle!
Paul Haeder: Exclusion and isolation are the tools of a fascist society, as these female politicals’ lives as activists, both peaceful and militantly violent, demonstrate over the course of four hundred years of this country’s white history.
The Salvation Army's Special Brand of Poverty Pimping
Paul Haeder: The system is flawed from the beginning – no holism, no systems thinking, and, alas, the vicious cycle of recidivism feeds the poverty pimps, allowing and promoting for shitty paying jobs to continually go advertised and many times unfilled.
Capitalist Society Under the One Party of Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum
Paul Haeder: Broken people come to the military, and the military breaks them again, and, the gift that keeps on giving are the systems of oppression and criminalization of living life in Trump’s “MAGA, MAGA über alles, über alles in der Welt.”
The Banality of Evil Creeps into Those Who Believe They Are Good
Paul Haeder: You can have my social worker credentials when you pry them from my cold dead hands!